Walk Across Liechtenstein

2:49 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

We said goodbye to Erlenbach and our host this morning. The valley we stayed in was such a magical place and I feel I could've gotten lost for many weeks just walking the hills and along the rivers. We went to an English speaking branch in Zurich and enjoyed a really nice Mother’s Day sacrament meeting. There was a Mexican woman talking about red carnations and each bloom represents a new generation, the Primary children singing “I Often Go Walking” (this song always gets me right in the feels), and other uplifting messages. We found an American diner to eat greasy burgers at for lunch followed by a drive to our next country - Liechtenstein. 
Obviously there wasn’t much difference between there and Switzerland. Our goal was for some of us to run/walk across the entire country. I stayed in my church clothes and just walked enjoying the beautiful scenery and warm weather. I actually was drawn back to memories of walking through the fields of Ireland when on lazy days my family and I would cut across farmlands or dirt roads to explore. There were fields of grass, plowed plots, horses and cows, churches and small roads. I met my friends on the other border and we made the long drive to Salzburg. 
Walking around after settling in we found the river and crossed over to the big square with the palace and horse fountain. There were lots of shops with stuff for Mozart and traditional Austrian clothing. We had terrible Japanese food for dinner and then Italian desserts. We were even serenaded by our waiter pretending to be Shaggy singing “You’re my Angel” and Pavarotti singing who knows what. Very entertaining. 
All four of us are crowded into one room and it’s bed time. Hopefully I will have internet and be able to post these one day.