Chocolatiers and Tulips

2:39 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

I’ve really enjoyed the few days we have had in Switzerland as they are very lazy or relaxed. We wake up, have a nice little breakfast of toast or fruit or eggs, and head out to explore a new town. We drove through the valley and up a winding road once again rewarded with expansive views of the farmlands and mountains that envelop us. We had to stop and take some photos of course. We always like to find someplace random to park and then just walk around to our various destinations - today was no different. The town of Lausanne is a beautiful place next to Lac Léman very close to the French border. This of course means we are now in the French speaking part of Switzerland. We enjoyed a baguette sandwich for lunch and then walked around one of two chapels we would explore today. Apparently this first one was built in the 1200s. I am still impressed we can build anything that lasts that long. 
We walked up winding steps and along cobblestone streets lined with cozy little shops and homes. There are also lots of old style spigots constantly flowing with cold drinking water. This was also the first place I saw a brightly painted statue on a fountain…it may have been a little too colorful. The Swiss really do enjoy having their buildings and structures brightly painted, even down to the shutters on windows. The next chapel was a much larger - although less old - church. This was the first one I had ever visited that had sarcophagi for buried saints and royalty. Some were normal above ground ones while others were flush with the floor or built into the walls. Most had a life-sized carving of the individual buried on top of the tomb. All of the statues were apparently painted at one time although they have long since faded. 
We then made our way to a chocolatier and had truffles and hot chocolate. This is much richer and creative than the chocolates we usually come across in the States. On our way out of Lausanne we saw a small clock in a little square putting on a show and playing music at 3 o’clock. Dancers and guards came out of the clock to tell us a short story. 
We left Lausanne and drove to another place to visit…another chocolatier. This was supposed to be a much nicer and more well known one. It had many different samples and so I had more than enough chocolates to enjoy without actually buying anything. There was a sesame one that was particularly delicious. I always prefer the dark chocolate. 
Our last stop for the day was a tulip festival doing on in a park right next to the lake. There were thousands of flowers - hundreds of different types of tulips - many arranged in symbols or patterns. I have never seen so many colors of flowers. I think my favorite was a dark purple - almost black - one. While looking at sailboats Meghan accidentally dropped her sunglasses in the water. It was kind of scummy water and it was about six feet deep. This didn’t bother her though as she simply put on her swimsuit and jumped right in the cold lake water. 
Dinner was pizza in town. I believe we have eaten Italian almost every meal since arriving in Switzerland…not that I’m complaining as it has all been good. We made the long drive back, sang some country tunes, and called it a night.