First Day in Switzerland

1:59 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

We started off the day with having natural green smoothies with out host - she is a very nice woman if also a little different. I really enjoyed her place and she had the nicest little pups. It’s always sad to say goodbye to dogs I meet at these homes on trips. 
Our first stop was the town of St Gallen. It’s just a small little village that has all the architecture and food that you would think of when going to a Swiss town. I first watched my friends take photos on a horse statue that looks like it belongs on a carousel. It was especially entertaining watching one of my friends get helped on top by a nice old lady. The reason for the stop was a library in an old (very old) abby. This abby is apparently one of the oldest in Europe. The library though was not at all what I expected. We had to put on these oversized slippers to protect the floor. There were walls lined with books covering a variety of topics from medicine to the history of this area. There were manuscripts from 800 AD in glass enclosures talking about the beginning of ethics with regards to physicians. A large old globe took up one of the corners. It reminded us of the library in Beauty and the Beast. 
Outside we just walked along more cobble streets and admired the woodwork on windows, the colorful rooftop designs on large churches, and happened to walk inside of the main chapel for the abby and was rewarded with amazing murals on the ceilings. Zurich was our next stop and we basically walked along the streets waiting for our fourth member of the group, Danny, to join us. We stayed around the city center and the highlight was probably another market in the main train station. I still can’t get over the variety of olives, ravioli, cheeses, meats, and candies. 
After we picked up Danny from the airport (and made 3 or 4 loops because of not being able to park in front of the pickup area) we started the long drive down to our place for the next few days. We are staying in the Alps in a town called Erlenbach. The scenery was beyond description coming in with rolling hills of farmland giving way to snow-covered mountains. It’s exactly what I always imagined it would look like. 
Dinner was at a local place in the village (and we may have been overcharged as tourists). But it was good and was a fine way to wrap up our first day in Switzerland.