Day 5: Return to Auckland

10:46 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

We woke up and unsurprisingly there was more rain. We checked out and made the drive up to Cambridge for church. There is a nice little branch there with maybe about 50 people today. I sometimes prefer the smaller gatherings of Saints as there is a closeness there not always present in larger congregations. Today there were two baby blessings and it was also a testimony meeting (on this Sunday members of the congregation come up with unprepared remarks about spiritual experiences and state their beliefs to the rest of those in attendance). Today was one of those meetings where the Spirit was exceptionally strong. The simple statements of faiths from those who believe the same thing as I believe is so powerful. The arrival of little ones onto this earth, so recently in the presence of God and Jesus Christ, breathes fresh hope into life. 
After church we made our way back to Auckland stopping at a few scenic places along the way. This included the Hobbiton movie set. It was still raining, and combined with an expensive price tag of $80, we decided to continue our drive. I will say that even though it was raining the area around the movie set was some of the prettiest we had seen yet. It is rolling farmland as far as the eye can see. Like something out of a postcard or how I imagine the English countryside in a Jane Austen novel. We checked into the place we are staying tonight and then made the short drive over to Maraetai Beach. The sun was finally starting to peak out between the clouds. It wasn’t quite warm enough to take a dip into the water, but perfect for just sitting on the grass or taking a little walk. It was nice to see so many families enjoying a Sunday afternoon together relaxing and talking. Looking around I didn’t see any bickering or use of electronics distracting parents from loved ones. I enjoy moments like this.