Rain, Rain, and More Rain

4:23 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

Rains are putting a bit of a damper on fun activities right now. Apparently there is a typhoon in the area that will keep it wet for the next few days - and if I’m lucky the entire time I’m here. John had to work all day so after his wife came home we just chilled. As a side note I seem to be sleeping a lot here. I’m not sure if it’s their couch - which in Hawaii also caused me to sleep a lot - or the warm, muggy weather. As a result I also end up waking up around 5 or 6 every morning. 
Friday Eunice and I ventured out to run some errands before John was out of work. Okinawa has the nicest ¥100 stores (dollar stores) I have ever seen. It was clean, seemed to have decent items to purchase, and you didn’t feel dirty after coming out. The Japanese people really don’t have dumpy places and is one of the things I love about this country and culture. On our way to get John we saw a few protesters outside the gate. There are always some of them as a few of the locals don’t like the military installations. I’ve heard it can get bad, but today they mostly just sat across the road with a couple of signs. 
We went to a burger place for lunch called Captain Kangaroo. Their a/c was not the best i.e. non-existent and it was kind of crowded. As a result we waited for a little over thirty minutes in the somewhat stuffy restaurant. The burgers were decent though. I liked the way they toasted the buns and the teriyaki sauce was tasty. I’m just not sure the wait was quite worth it. 
We went over the Okinawa Aquarium towards the northern part of the island, which for a time was the largest aquarium in the world. I believe it is still the second largest. There was quite an assortment of fish and other sea creatures. It was awesome seeing jellyfish up close and other fish that live in the dark with eyes that almost act like flashlights. The main attraction is a massive tank with whale sharks and manta rays and other larger fish. These are huge animals and I could just sit there for hours watching them gracefully soar through the water. We also happened to be there for feeding time and watched the whale sharks just open their mouths and suck in gallons of water to get a little bit of food. I love the ocean and the thought of exploring it. Aquariums provide a way to do that for those of us that for various reasons can’t get into the ocean depths. We finished up at the dolphin show. These are always fun - especially for the children. I am always amazed at the tricks and abilities of these animals.
Dinner was at a Japanese BBQ place. I kind of love Asian food and this was all you can eat. I may have eaten more than I should have but it was delicious and filling.