Silver Lake

8:57 PM ispeakitboldly 0 Comments

     There is a canyon that slices it’s way up the Wasatch Range. A river - perhaps creek or stream would be a better word - runs along the side of the road. Many campers or picnickers select an open spot to enjoy food, warmth by a fire, and time with loved ones. There are many of these as the ascent continues. Some are grouped together while others are isolated away from strangers. It is a paved road that runs between towers of rock looking down on those who wander into this wilderness. The colors vary only in shades of brown, grey, cream, and red - what would be typical of the somber stones that fill the mountain. A fork in the road, take the left path, and it continues upwards. The air becomes cooler, fresher, cleaner, newer.
    The first stop would be a small reservoir that allows for fishing, canoeing, and walking. The parking lot is often filled with cars or vans bringing friends and families to this escape. It gives a sample of what is yet to come. For those who want a little less the time to stop is not yet. But the journey continues upwards as the path winds back and forth to reach ever higher. There is such a variety of trees from aspens to evergreens that climb the mountain with voyagers. The mountains in the distance that rise above the trees still maintain remnants of the recent winters with blankets of white in the shadows hidden from the sun. Another right turn leaves smooth pavement behind for uneven, bumpy, packed dirt. Water and wheels have done the work to create small hills and dips that make the trip just a little more exciting. Low-lying clouds are pieces of husky undercoat (perhaps not too dissimilar to wisps of lamb wool) clinging to the slopes as the ascent continues upward. 
    Until finally another small body of water presents itself hidden in a secluded valley. It is also a reservoir providing life to the surrounding area. Manmade dams command the water to provide nourishment to those below. Large puddles along the road welcome travelers - and mud with it. But this does not in any way diminish the awe inspiring view of a pool reflecting one of nature’s unique skylines. The parking lot is situated with the perfect scene across the water towards the alpine ridge challenging those of the old continent in majesty and awe. There are various paths to explore that lead nowhere. But nowhere is not the destination today. The river to cross over to the other side of the lake is higher than normal and so the adventurous brave a log bridge across and take the leisurely stroll alongside the lake. Stones skip. Children laugh. Dogs splash in the shallows. Fish avoid lures and lines. Clouds give way to a warm sun that forces the removal of outerwear…t-shirts are more than enough today. The colors up here are not wide in variance (similar to the rocks below) but shades of the dominant one are limitless. Dark, deep greens from the water to the firs. Light green leaves on the aspens and the bushes in the marsh. It would almost seem there is every color in the rainbow with such variety as there is always something new and different with each look. 
    The walk is not hard. It is not meant to be. It is not a race. It is not a hike. It is a joy in the journey moment. With furry children and someone you may care deeply about. Talk or don’t talk and the time slips by without worry or care either way. Curiosity often gets the better of the pups that wander also. One in particular takes the most effort and does his best to disrupt the serenity of an early evening meditation. Unfortunately the uneven ellipse of the lake’s circumference does not continue on indefinitely. Photos are taken. And the means of transportation is loaded up again as the wanderers decide to accept responsibility and head home. Work is tomorrow. Life rolls on. These moments are the tragically few and far between. But they are always there for us. Calling us back to where we long to be. We wait. We anticipate. And enjoy it. And remember it. And experience it once more.